Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pretty Excited...

Happy Wednesday!
I'm pretty excited for a few reasons today:

1. I get to take the day off from running! I ran 5 miles Sunday, 3 miles Monday, and 5 miles yesterday (shaved a minute off Sunday's time! woot!)

2. I'm having Chick-fil-a for dinner (hehe, I have to work tonight, so I'm going to make it bearable by "eating more chicken"!!)

Oh, and I had this on my Twitter, but this sight made Sunday's loooooooong shift at the Crew bearable as well. Also, laughing nonstop with Nicolas!!!!

3. I get to see Sarah!!! After spending every minute with her for 12 days in Africa, this week apart has seemed like an eternity!!!

4. Tomorrow is my last day of school for the week!! Going to NYC Friday-Sunday to spend Easter with the parents! So excited!!!

5. Today is the last day of March, which means that tomorrow is April, which means that it will officially be my birthday month!! I'm a pretty big fan of birthdays. However, this is a lame one. 22 feels soooooooo old. I realize that it isn't old, but after 4 years of monumental birthdays, it's not a "fun" one. Think about it... 18- you can vote, 19- last year being a teenager, 20- no longer a teenager, 21- obvious, 22- L.A.M.E.

Oh well! I cannot wait to share so many stories and photos from Africa with y'all!!! I'll start on Monday!

xoxo, E

Monday, March 29, 2010

It's definitely Monday

After avoiding my alarm clock for 30 minutes, I pulled myself out of bed. Absolutely exhausted. It's definitely Monday.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Another Africa Shirt

I'm on a bit of an Africa shirt kick. A huge chunk of my heart is still in Swaziland. I ordered this shirt yesterday.
The best part is that ordering the shirt helps this family fundraise for their adoption.
Happy Palm Sunday! I get to eat dessert one week from today!! xoxo, E

Saturday, March 27, 2010

America, the land that I love

While we were in Swaziland, I made a list of the things I missed about America. Allow me to share:

1. I missed brushing my teeth without having to use a water bottle. The water in Swaziland is not so good for our tummy. It's amazing how we take our clean water for granted. Besides, it's really difficult to get all the toothpaste off your toothbrush without the faucet.

2. I missed the availability of electrical outlets in the bathroom or near a mirror. This is probably only something a girl would notice, but we did not have a single outlet in any of our bathrooms. And all of the mirrors seemed to be just beyond "cord's reach" in all of our hotel rooms.

3. Three words: Diet. Dr. Pepper.

4. Privacy and quite time. I love every member of our team, and I miss them so much. However, we did not have a single moment to ourselves the entire trip. I had difficulty sleeping through the night, so those early morning hours were the only times I had to quietly mull over my thoughts. We all discussed towards the end of the week how much we appreciate privacy now.

(talk about your close quarters, lol)

5. Talking to my family and friends. I did not have service for a majority of the trip. Swaziland is like the island on Lost... No cell reception except for about a 1/2 mile stretch on the drive to the primary school in Ndubazi. I would prepare all my text messages and hit "send" like crazy once I saw those coveted bars. As much as I love my social networking, I didn't really miss Facebook or Twitter.

6. A shower that keeps the water in the shower. We were in Ndubazi for the longest period of time and the shower had to be the WORST! Reason #1: the shower curtain was not long enough. When I would step out onto the rug after a shower, water would come out of the rug. Yea, it was that bad. Reason #2: the water pressure was a bit like daggers. Washing my face in the shower was not so fun. But don't worry, I still have both my eyes =) Reason #3: The water temperature fluctuated from "ice ice baby" cold to scalding hot for about 5 seconds each temperature every 3 or 4 minutes.

7. Having ice in my drinks (again, the parasite problem)

8. My hair straightener. A ridiculous one? Yes, but still.

Check back for my list of what I'll miss about Swaziland =)

Happy Saturday! xoxo, E

Friday, March 26, 2010

Dance, dance!!

During recreation time for VBS for grades 5-7, we taught the kids the Macarena. We cleaned up the end a bit by having them jump in a circle rather than shake their booty =)

This puts a HUGE smile on my face!
xoxo, E

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'm back!


Hello friends! Are you still here?

I'm back from Swaziland, Africa. It was such an amazing trip! I'm still working on getting over some jet lag and readjusting to my reality (aka college life). I have so, so, SO much to tell you all. However, I want to wait until after Easter for a lot of it. I will see my parents next weekend and I want them to hear the stories and see the pictures in person before reading it on my blog. But, I will leave you with this picture that I snapped while we were out with the HIV/AIDS task force last week.
Can I please go back to Africa now?!
xoxo, E

p.s. this is my 300th post! I'm so glad it is a Swaziland post!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Papas!!

It's a very special day today...

It's March 12, 2010...

and it's Papas' Birthday!!!!!!!

I'm bummed that I'm not home to celebrate... I'm not in the same city... state... country... or continent...

However, I'm still celebrating!! =)

Here's a virtual cupcake for you on your birthday Papas! See you in NYC in 2 weeks!!!

xoxo, e

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Time to go!

The bags are packed and it's time to go!
I'm off to Swaziland, Africa.
I'll be back in the states on March 22nd!

Please pray for: safety, good health for all members on our team, ease of communication, that God will use us and teach us, that anything other than God's will will not play a role in this trip (there has been a great deal of spiritual warfare leading up to the trip and it's time for it to be O-V-E-R), and that I will not get homesick.

It's going to be sunny and in the mid-80s the whole time we are there. I'm not sure I even remember what that feels like!! =)

Okay, well I think that is all! "So long" to the states! Hello, Africa! I'm coming!!

xoxo, E

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Packing update...

Roomie was like a 4 year old playing dress up while I was trying to pack.
But she DOES look mighty sassy in my hat =) I'll miss ya rooms!

xoxo, E

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Quick Recap

It has been such a whirlwind couple of days!!

The interview went REALLY well! I'm so happy =) Even if I don't get the job, I feel that my interview was 110% me being me. So I feel really good about that! I should know something either way at the beginning of April.
Here's what I wore to the interview...
It's a secret (not-so-secret) fact that I'm quite clumsy. Surprisingly so. Momma has been known to say, "If anyone is going to fall or get hurt, it's you." Or I'll never forget, the morning of my Turkey Trot, Momma said to Papas as the race began, "I hope she doesn't fall." It's ok... I don't mind the joke. Because, well, it's SO true.

Momma and I were walking back to the hotel from lunch on Monday and she says, "Why am I so nervous whenever you walk." Well, I bust out laughing because I totally knew what she was trying to say: "because of the height of your heels and the uneven nature of this sidewalk, I'm nervous that my precious daughter is going to fall." However, her deadpan remark made me laugh so hard I almost teared up.

ANYWAY, I'm in "Africa mode" right now.
I'm pretty much done with packing. Just a few last minute things tomorrow and my carry on bags. I did three loads of laundry tonight and I'll probably do one more tomorrow. I can't believe I will be in Africa in less than 36 hours!!

I leave Thursday and will be gone until March 22nd, but don't worry, I'll give you plenty of reading material once I return!! xoxo, E

Monday, March 8, 2010

Interview Day

It's interview day!!

I'm off to IMG World for an 11:00 interview.

Feeling good =)

But, prayers are still appreciated!!

xoxo, E

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Crazy Week: Accomplished

Look at that checklist, with almost everything checked off!!
Can't finish packing for NYC until the morning. However, everything is packed but my toiletries!! Woot woot! Can't wait!
My 3:30am wake up call is fast approaching... NYC here I come!! =)
xoxo, E

Friday, March 5, 2010

Gossip Girl

I love, love, LOVE Gossip Girl...

I love the fashion, the glitz, the drama... I love it all.

Kim sent me this link of a Gossip Girl themed party. I'll take any excuse to have this party! How about a party to celebrate that it's the weekend?! SOLD!!

Happy Friday! xoxo, E

Thursday, March 4, 2010

As promised...

As promised. Here is a video of me making my Cholera vaccine. Enjoy!
xoxo, E

Top 10

The Top 10 Things on the "To Do List" before Spring Break

1. Give a presentation today in my Senior Capstone class. I was supposed to do it on Tuesday, but we ran out of time.

2. Shop for a hat for Africa

3. Get my hair cut, eyebrows waxed, and nails done

4. Run 6 miles

5. Prepare for my interview.
I'm working on answers to these questions:
Who is your favorite designer? Why?
I'd say Diane von Furstenburg. Her designs are feminine, yet strong. This season she has combined girlie elements with men's jackets. I love the combination.

What is your favorite style this season?
I love the layered look. Pairing a tank, shirt and sweater/jacket with some layered necklaces. j'adore.

Name 5 words to describe yourself?
Passionate, Curious, Loyal, Caring, Leader... Ok, pause... I do not like this question! I have no clue what 5 words I should use to describe myself!!!

What is your best attribute?
I am very passionate about what I am involved in. I like to be involved from beginning to end and take pride in what I do. (is that even a good answer?)

Why do you want to be in NYC?
I feel completely at home here. Yet, the city still has that intimidation factor that makes the city an exciting place to be. There is an energy in the city that makes every day different. I look for that in my life.

Tell us about yourself?
I'm from Charlotte, NC and have a passion for travel. I blame that on the fact that my dad is a pilot and my parents have always exposed me to new places. I started dancing when I was 3, and although I do not dance anymore, it is a huge part of who I am. I am comfortable standing in front of a group; I am animated and love to tell stories.

(Thank you Whitney for sending me questions that you've been asked at previous interviews!)

6. Jet off to NYC for my interview

7. Take my second dose of my cholera vaccine. Seriously folks, it's like a science experiment to prepare this vaccine! I think I might video it and share with you!

8. Start my malaria pills

9. Pack for 10 days in Africa!! Eek!!

10. Pray, pray, pray that I will make it through the next 2 weeks with poise, confidence, a positive attitude, and be used by God while in Africa. I just know that He has amazing plans for us, and I want to be open to whatever He wants to teach me.

Happy Thursday! xoxo, E

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Random, randomness...

Random incidents:

#1 I found a blog last night that literally left me dumbfounded...

Introducing a girl who is not shopping all year long!

I can't even go a day without online "window shopping." I think I would die. I shared this statement with my friend and he replied "Yea you would. But it's okay though because you have great style."

Mmmmhmmm. Sounds like a nice compliment right? Well, it is... kind of. I shared that I get awkward when someone pays me a compliment. Note to self: if you tell a boy something like this, he will decide it's a good idea to keep complimenting you.


#2 Two of my favorite authors are coming out with new books this summer! Emily Giffin and Beth Harbison! Hooray!!!

#3 I am so ridiculously exhausted but it's Wednesday. Half way there!

#4 I learned while getting my nails done this weekend that "you should never tell your girlfriend she looks like a dump truck." - the wisdom of a five year old boy

I think that's all for now!
Countdown to NYC: 4 days
Countdown to Swaziland: 8 days
xoxo, E

Monday, March 1, 2010

Absence makes the heart grow fonder?

I absolutely love to blog... and to read blogs.
However, this is my to-do list (actually, this is only page one) for the week.

I simply have too much to do. I will probably be a bit absent this week but will try to update as much as I can.

Swaziland in 10 days!!! Eeek! SO excited!
xoxo, E