Friday, April 30, 2010

running, running, sprinting... deep breath

"I'm spinning out of control. I'm feeling panicked and rushed and hurried... I got a singular impression things are moving too fast."

This is from one of my favorite musicals of all time: The Last Five Years. The lyrics are SO out of context but they really encompass how I am feeling about this last week.

I'm ready to get back to a regular posting schedule. Taking a week-long break between posts is just unacceptable. LOL.

The update from this week:
I worked the rollout for the new line at J.Crew on Monday and Wednesday this week. It amazes me how much I love to do this kind of work, rather than "deal" with customers. Give me 300 shirts to fold (which is laughable, I folded MUCH more than that), over cleaning out a dressing room, any day. Also, I get to do pre-shopping. =) That's my favorite part.
- I'm a little worried that our J.Crew at home will not need any help for the summer and I won't get to transfer. If this is the case, I will have to officially quit and then be rehired when I return to OK in August. I don't want to lose my discount!! If that's going to be the case, I've got some shopping to do to take full advantage before I lose it!

I took two of my finals this week. What a relief!! It's nice to have them out of the way. And I'm confident that I did well. That's a great feeling too!

I completed 63 legal briefs for my Legal and Ethical Principles of the Mass Media course.

I wrote my last ethical paper for the same class. I'm glad that the weekly papers are finito!

I corrected my business stats test to get half the points back that I missed. I love my professor. I'm almost embarrassed to share... this will probably be my first C for the final grade... ever... in my entire academic career... people keep telling me it's good for me. False. It just kills me because I'm a math person, but this is just another world! ANYWAY, my grade on the test went from a 55 to a 75. Thank you teacher for grace!!

I went to a rehearsal day for the final speeches for my senior capstone class. My professor really liked mine! I'm so happy because it is a representation of who I am and my college journey... I didn't really want to have to change that. She really enjoys the "acting" bits that I have in the speech and gave me some pointers of how to make it even better. The speech is jam-packed with personality. Kind of who I am =)

I've worked with my group on my entertainment marketing project. We have to do a presentation on Tuesday and pitch our marketing campaign to make Vineyard, DA (don't try googling it, the city and state are BOTH made up. makes research difficult, lol) a destination location. I really want to share the project with you, but it's a secret, so look for an update on Wednesday!!

I went to the gym last night and ran a 5K. This was my first time running since my bout of food poisoning. It felt so good to run again. Time to sign up for another half-marathon! I really want to do it! I'm thinking of the half in Anaheim. You get to run through the Disneyland park and you finish at the stadium for the LA Angels.

Today is a special day: it's the last day of classes, I'm having sushi with M, I work tonight... but the special part is that The Prexie Awards are tonight. These awards recognize the work down by organizations and individuals in our university. I've been nominated for "Excellence in Student Leadership."

Also, have to throw a shout-out to Megs (who will thankfully be here with me next semester! Hooray for the continuation of weekly dates!)... She has worked tirelessly all year to plan the dance and arts management banquet, which is tonight. I am so proud of you friend; it's going to be great! I want to hear all about it... and once again, I'm sorry I have to miss it. Silly work!

Today is the last day of college... ever... for many of my friends. But not for me. Mine will come in December. It has been a really difficult week. I hate the idea that I won't be able to sit on my roomie's bed and just talk anymore. We probably had our last one of these conversations on Wednesday night. It makes me sad. I won't be able to call up Chels to go to the gym with me to walk and talk. And she won't be here to go shopping with me as we both tell each other, "I think you have a bigger problem than I do." Mere won't be here to go to church with me, or to die laughing with me when I say something stupid or when we re-count something that has happened to us in the past... there's no one else I'd rather "laugh until I cry" with.

I hate to say it, but my parents were right. Wishing away this semester was supposed to be restricted to the schoolwork part... not the friend part. "Things are moving too fast."

Okay, I think that's the update for the week. I promise, promise, PROMISE to start posting more regularly. I miss you all dearly!!

xoxo, E

1 comment:

  1. I think you forgot something that you did this has to do with a certain roomie and a certain musical. :)
