Sunday, February 22, 2009

Weekend Wrap-Up

This weekend... whew... enough said... but don't worry, I'll say more :)
I drove down to the Skirvin for our banquet menu tasting Friday afternoon, and it was AMAZING! I could not believe the beauty of the plates before me; I was amazed by what I saw and tasted (yum-o!). The salad was simply divine (and I am not that big of a dinner salad person), and the chicken was superb! We did not try the vegetarian option, but look at how beautiful the presentation is! Dessert will be a connoli coupled with chocolate covered fruit and the evening will start off with a colorful, fruity "mocktail." WOW! It's going to be a great night! 

I babysat on Saturday night. The kids were precious! Abby made me a "hamburger" and Levi smiled and laughed all night :) What great kids. Funny story though, Abby and I were drawing and she asked me my favorite colors. I told her that I really liked pink and brown. She then reached into her bag of markers and held up the brown one. With a look of utter confusion she said, "You like THIS color?!" Nothing makes you feel old like the way a 4-year-old looks at you when you say that brown is one of your favorite colors. To make her feel better I said, "Well I LOVE pink and purple." It was like I said the magic words, her face lit up and she went back to coloring her picture. What a great night! 

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