Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Almost All-Nighters

My almost all-nighters are starting to catch up with me. My decision to stay up until 3am Thursday night and then 2am last night is starting to look like a bad idea. Don't get me wrong, I got a TON of work done on my drafting project (AND I showed part of it to my teacher today and got a BIG thumbs up!) but my poor shoulders are aching! I hold all of my tension in my neck and shoulders and two nights of intense work are starting to affect me physically. A massage may be required by the end of this project :) 

Now, we are between performances, and I have to sit in the theater to "babysit" the equipment until my sound counter-part arrives to take over the shift. There is something about an empty theatre that makes you want to start belting out your favorite songs. Not that I'm doing that... :) I am thankful for this time though b/c it forces me to take a break from my project and relax a little bit. Currently, I'm listening to "The Last Five Years" and blog surfing :)

I have to give a shout-out to the roomie, Lindsay. She had a GREAT audition today for Music Theatre Wichita and we are waiting to find out what amazing opportunity will present itself for this summer. What a talented performer and pretty great rooms :) LOL, I promised her I would mention her on my blog... Happy Linds? Love ya!

After tonight's show, we have to strike all of the sound equipment and then I can officially "check-out" and embrace the spring break mentality! Whoo hoo!! 

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